• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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  • Alphabet X’s Bellwether harnesses AI to help predict natural disasters

Alphabet X’s Bellwether harnesses AI to help predict natural disasters

The world is on fire. Quite literally, much of the time. Predicting such disasters before they get out of hand — or better yet, before they happen — will be…

Fewer people are dying of climate-related disasters than ever

Watching the news, you get the sense that climate change is making the planet unlivable. We are bombarded with images of floods, droughts, storms and wildfires. We see not only…

Why the Titanic fascinates more than other disasters

Editor’s Note: Stephen D. Cox is professor of literature at the University of California, San Diego, and author of “The Titanic Story: Hard Choices, Dangerous Decisions.” Story highlights Stephen Cox:…