• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

NYU pro-Gaza protesters chase NYPD chief into campus building

NYU pro-Gaza protesters chase NYPD chief into campus building

An NYPD chief and several of his officers were chased down a Manhattan street by pro-Palestinian NYU protesters who forced the cops to retreat into a campus building, startling video shows.

NYPD Assistant Chief James McCarthy, the head of Patrol Borough Manhattan South, was helping two cops in riot gear complete the arrest of a protester in their custody Monday night when they were pursued by more than a dozen outraged activists demanding the woman’s release, the video shows.

Cops arrested 120 protesters at NYU in total that night during a heated stand off with pro-Palestinian protesters who created an encampment on university grounds. The college asked the NYPD to clear out the protesters.

“You f—ing fascist!” one protester screams repeatedly while several demonstrators, including one with a drum hanging from his neck, record McCarthy leading his team down the street.

The chief attempts to open a set of glass doors but they were locked as the protesters swarm behind them.

Assistant Chief James McCarthy is seen as police intervene and arrest more than 100 students at New York University (NYU) who continue their demonstration on campus in solidarity with the students at Columbia University and to oppose Israel's attacks on Gaza, in New York, United States on April 22, 2024. (Fatih Aktas/Anadolu via Getty Images)
Assistant Chief James McCarthy is seen as police intervene Monday and arrest more than 100 students at New York University (NYU) who continue their demonstration on campus in solidarity with the students at Columbia University and to oppose Israel’s attacks on Gaza. (Fatih Aktas/Anadolu via Getty Images)

“F— you pigs!” another protester screams as McCarthy speaks into his radio and one officer tries to move the protesters back.

The chief is recorded speaking into his radio, giving his location, and leading his officers down the street to another building as the protesters continue to follow him, screaming “Let her go! Let her go!”

“Mccarthy is seen attempting to get inside the NYU Catholic Center, but couldn’t open the door,” @peterhvideo wrote when he posted the video Tuesday night.

NYPD officers arrive to disperse pro-Palestinian students and protesters who set up an encampment on the campus of New York University (NYU) to protest the Israel-Hamas war, in New York on April 22, 2024. (ALEX KENT/AFP via Getty Images)
NYPD officers arrive Monday to disperse pro-Palestinian students and protesters who set up an encampment on the campus of New York University to protest the Israel-Hamas war. (ALEX KENT/AFP via Getty Images)

McCarthy ultimately leads his officers further down the block and into a building that already has a few cops inside, the video shows.

“He eventually finds an unlocked door around the corner,” @peterhvideo said. “Security guards have to hold the doors closed as Mccarthy calls for backup.”

NYPD officers detain pro-Palestinian students and protesters who had set up an encampment on the campus of New York University (NYU) to protest the Israel-Hamas war, in New York on April 22, 2024. (ALEX KENT/AFP via Getty Images)
NYPD officers detain pro-Palestinian students and protesters Monday who had set up an encampment on the campus of New York University to protest the Israel-Hamas war. (ALEX KENT/AFP via Getty Images)

At one point a protester tried to grab one of the cops’ hands but her hand is batted away, the video shows.

McCarthy and the officers were trying to figure out where to bring their prisoner when the protesters moved towards them, an NYPD spokesman said. They first went to the wrong spot, forcing McCarthy to use his radio and find the right location.

The person the officers took into custody received a summons, NYPD officials said.

A high-ranking NYPD official said McCarthy has responded to scores of protests and didn’t feel threatened Monday.

“McCarthy has been around for a long time,” said the official, who asked not to be named. “He’s in charge of Manhattan South, which has handled more protests than any other borough.”

“He’s very experienced in these matters,” the official said. “If he felt that he needed backup or help he would have put it over the radio and we would have addressed it.”

On Tuesday, NYPD brass blamed faculty and “professional agitators” for causing most of the trouble the night before.

The NYU campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine said they were “met with violent arrests” during Monday’s protests. At least two reporters say they were pepper sprayed, including from the NYU student newspaper and local outlet HellGate.

With Rocco Parascandola 

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