• Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Anti-Israel protests at Columbia become incendiary: Letters

Anti-Israel protests at Columbia become incendiary: Letters

The Issue: The raucous pro-Hamas protests on the grounds of Columbia University.

They will just wear their arrests as badges of honor at upcoming pro-Hamas protests (“Now U. get the hell out,” April 19).

On the other hand, I applaud the actions taken by Google, firing employees who were responsible for invading and defacing the CEO’s offices.

These terminations, unlike the likely coddling of the Columbia University miscreants, will have real consequences.

Mitch Schwefel

Barnegat, NJ

I would like to know who organized and paid for the buses that are transporting these protesters to Columbia.

Why aren’t they at an office building or at home working? Well, the reason they’re not is because these people are a total drain upon civilization and provide nothing to the economy.

All they do is live off whatever they can get from the government. They are totally blind to what is actually going on around the world.

Walter Faust


So The Post is putting together another astroturfed wave of propaganda against pro-Palestinian protesters.

I am not surprised, but I think it is important to point out that protests didn’t come out of thin air — unlike the millions of dollars that AIPAC feeds to America’s politicians to keep them pro-Israel.

More than 13,000 children are dead in Gaza, according to UNICEF, and the Gaza health ministry reports more than 30,000 civilians in total have been killed. Seems like an excessive retribution for the roughly 1,200 — many of whom were off-duty IDF soldiers — killed on Oct. 7.

The Israeli regime has a bloodlust for Palestinians and is willing to kill every man, woman and child to clear Gaza for itself. And that’s why I stand with the protesters at Columbia.

They refuse to accept the fact that our government continues to funnel our taxpayer dollars to promote genocide.

Alexsei Novikov

Brighton Beach

Without law and order you get anarchy, which is exactly what’s happening with these protests.

Whatever happened to obtaining permits and reserving hours? This is a free-for-all and it all started when some moron threw water at a policeman.

Maria Musolino

Staten Island

With chants of “We are Hamas!” and “Kill more [Israeli] soldiers!” filling the air on the campus of Columbia, one has to consider the parents who raised and nurtured these malevolent protesters. Something tells me their elders drank from the same poison well of age-old Jew-hatred.

Charles Winokoor

Fall River, Mass.

In Nazi Germany, universities were filled with brownshirts.

And now, Columbia University has hundreds of anti-Israel protesters, including US Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter, masquerading as students.

Richard Sherman

Margate, Fla.

The First Amendment doesn’t matter when the feelings of Zionists are hurt.

Only then is it OK to clamp down on free speech by suppressing protests, firing people you disagree with (cough, Google) and banning people like Nicholas Fuentes off major social media platforms.

People will make the facile argument that freedom of speech has its limits but, interestingly, those limits begin and end when the discussion turns to questions about Israel and its power over the American government.

Then it becomes antisemitic to question our nation’s unique and parasitic relationship with a country that is committing genocide and bombing innocent Muslims and Christians.

Anthime McNeil

Waynesburg, Va.

The latest iteration of Jew-hatred at Columbia is not unique and is widespread in many colleges and universities. It is now appearing in far too many universities that use hatred of Israel as an excuse to articulate hatred of all Jews.

We are seeing numerous criminal acts by pro-Hamas students and faculty that are being ignored by law enforcement in Democratic cities.

Harvey Goldstein

Punto Gorda, Fla

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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