• Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Elite schools turning into Hamas University as antisemitism runs rampant

Elite schools turning into Hamas University as antisemitism runs rampant

The United States’ top institutions and assets for higher education are being lost to extremists.

At the University of Pennsylvania, we are no longer known as the birthplace of the mRNA vaccine or the computer. Any quick Google search over the past six months will find that our university has been overrun by extremists who hate America, hate Israel and hate Jews.

Columbia University has devolved from the birthplace of more than 100 Nobel laureates to a war zone where Jewish students have been advised to go home.

Students across the country glorify the first woman to hijack an airplane, Leila Khaled, rather than the women who graduated from their own universities.

Students and faculty are at the center of this unfortunate fall from grace.

On Oct. 7, while Hamas was brutally murdering, raping and kidnapping innocent civilians in southern Israel, Penn professor Huda Fakhreddine tweeted in Arabic: “while we were asleep, Palestine reinvented a new way of life” and reposted “armed struggle by the Palestinian resistance against the occupier is legal under international law.”

This is one of many examples from within our faculty at Penn.

Campus lawlessness

Pro-Hamas students shouted down a Penn Board of Trustees meeting, shutting down an event whose purpose is to discuss changes and improvements to the institution.

Why is it that when students storm the Penn homecoming football field, 19 arrests are made, but when pro-Hamas students shout down a board meeting, the board caves. Last I checked, Penn isn’t a football school.

Last semester, the Penn student center was transformed into a Philadelphia HQ for Hamas. Posters erasing Israel from the map and calling for the genocide of Jews took over all walls and unauthorized events regularly disrupted our study spaces.

Student protesters opened the doors to non-student extremists and slept in the building for more than 30 days. This is not unique to Philadelphia; in every city, the university has become the center for pro-Hamas and anti-American organizing.

This week at Columbia, the school has been completely overrun by extremists, leading to mob rule and a recommendation that Jewish students leave campus. Rioters from all over New York flock to Columbia to harass Jewish students.

They shout at students telling them there will be “10,000 more October 7ths” and point to Jewish students with signs saying “Al Qassam [Hamas] next targets.” American flags are stolen and burned by rioters who hold up the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah — US-sanctioned terrorist groups.

Penn’s Pro-Hamas student group has regularly invited Jihadists and professional Jew-haters onto our campus to intimidate students. Most notably on the night of Dec. 3, they led a mob through our university to scream genocidal chants in English and Arabic, vandalize many school buildings and light smoke bombs.

The university stood back and didn’t respond.

Prof & protesters clap

Last semester, a speaker screamed at Jewish Penn students to ‘‘go back to Moscow and Brooklyn and Gstaad, and f–king Berlin where you came from.” Penn professor Fakhreddine and countless students can be seen clapping directly after this.

This speaker also physically assaulted a Jewish student that day.

On Saturday, a Yale student was stabbed in the eye by a Palestinian flag pole and hospitalized. At schools across the US, students and faculty outsource their dirty-work to “community members” to avoid being held accountable.

Universities across the country regularly chant for an Intifada (indiscriminate violence against Jews) so loudly they are heard from dorms, libraries, and classrooms.

At Penn and Drexel, a recent protest shouted, “We won’t stop at a cease-fire!” Jordan Vaughan, the chant leader (invited to campus by students) shared a screenshot from the Orthodox Jewish Community group chat including three students’ full names, personal phone numbers, and Instagram accounts online.

Jordan is a self-proclaimed organizer for the Philly Palestine Coalition and has posted on X: “Live, love, Hamas” and “Glad Hamas killed that bitch” in response to a photo of a 22-year-old woman who was raped, kidnapped and killed at the NOVA festival on Oct. 7.

Full-time disrupters

At schools across the country there exist countless extremists like Vaughan, full-time agitators. Who is paying them to undermine our American institutions?

At Columbia, more than 100 student rioters were arrested, but they are now back to harassing Jewish students along with thousands of New Yorkers and even mocking the administration.

At Yale, the administration threatened to discipline students leading a Pro-Hamas encampment but then stood back and didn’t follow through. At the University of Michigan this week, protesters passed out booklets that said, “Freedom for Palestine means Death to America.”

The pro-Hamas groups on our campus have overrun our universities. They have invited countless antisemites to our campuses — making Jews feel completely unsafe and turning the American university into a breeding ground for extremism.

If universities don’t act, our state and federal governments must step in. We will lose the ability to educate the next generation if we continue to allow extremists to control our American institutions.

How will we remain a leader in technology and medicine and who will respect our “authority” on the world stage of geopolitics?

Critical American infrastructure, the university, is under attack. We have no choice but to fight back.

Noah Rubin is a junior from South Florida studying at UPenn’s Wharton M&T dual-degree program and an outspoken leader supporting Israel and Jewish students

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